If you’re planning to sell and want to get more money for your house (which, of course, you will), you’ll almost certainly have to make some upgrades and renovations. Upgrades can increase a home’s value and are more important in selling than they were in the past. The trick lies in knowing which upgrades will yield a good return on the investment and help you sell for more. So check out these 5 worthwhile upgrades to help you get more money for your house in Diamond Bar.
1. Painting
One of the easiest and least-expensive upgrades to help you get more money for your house in Diamond Bar is painting. Here’s what industry pros say about it . . .
“Painting is the lowest cost improvement with the highest rate of return, so it’s not surprising that 36% of home sellers choose to do it . . . When trying to sell, a nice coat of neutral paint can give the entire house a facelift, and buyers really love to see a fresh blank canvas.”
When it comes to color, the pros recommend “getting color recommendations from a trained professional since paint colors can be tricky depending on lighting and other features in the house such as cabinets and flooring . . . If you’re looking for a ‘safe’ color, gray has been trending in recent years.”
2. Installing New Siding or Veneer
Installing new siding or a veneer is another great way to get more money for your house that also promises a good ROI.
Industry pros don’t recommend vinyl siding or aluminum siding. The first can crack, split, and warp, and the second is susceptible to denting and fading. What they do recommend is fiber-cement siding because it “holds up well against the elements and is resistant to fire, rotting, and termites.” In addition, “fiber-cement siding (which is made of sand, cement, and cellulose fibers and costs an average of $17,008) is estimated to recoup about 78 percent (or $13,195) of a home owner’s initial investment.”
Another good option is “a manufactured stone veneer, [which] is even more valuable. The average cost of the upgrade is $9,357, with an average added sale value of $8,943 – nearly a 96 percent return on investment, the highest in the 2020 Cost vs. Value Report.”
3. Replacing Carpet/Flooring
You should also consider replacing flooring to get more money for your house. It’s an upgrade that 26% of homeowners/sellers make.
“If you’ve got lots of rooms with many types of flooring, you might want to bite the bullet and invest in new flooring for all, to create a seamless feel throughout the house. Wood floors, or even faux-wood floors, are preferable to carpeting even though those options can be more costly . . . If, however, you can’t afford to upgrade to wood, new carpeting is still a major selling point. And just like with painting walls, a good neutral color is best.”
4. Landscaping
Improving landscaping offer a great ROI, so it’s one of the best upgrades you can make to get more money for your house in Diamond Bar. And if you have the time and energy, you can do some of all of it yourself for an even better return.
Consider that “[t]he outside of your house is a buyer’s first impression when they pull up. A patchy or overgrown yard can be a major turn-off. Anything that’s dead should be removed, and anything that’s overgrown should be cut back. You can make sure the lawn is refreshed and green by re-sodding or planting grass seed, and you may want to do edging to help define spaces. Also, fresh mulch or straw in any beds is a must. A few newly planted shrubs and perennials tucked in for good measure will make your house feel much more finished and inviting.”
5. Updating the Kitchen
The kitchen is the most important room in a home from the buyer’s perspective. And that means, of course, that a kitchen update will likely help you get more money for your house.
According to industry insiders, “[i]t’s hard to go wrong with remodeling your kitchen, which can net up to 77 percent of the cost. If you’re upgrading with resale in mind, though, just avoid making overly personal decisions with the decor to make your kitchen more sellable; the features of your dream kitchen may populate someone else’s nightmares.”
There’s more though . . .
“People know that renovating can be a nightmare, and potential buyers will appreciate that you did the dirty work for them . . . But stick with high-quality fixtures, like stainless-steel appliances and granite counters, and don’t pair them with a cheaper material, like laminate.”
Your Diamond Bar agent can provide valuable assistance when it comes to updating your kitchen for the best ROI. You can call (909) 455-9496 to discover more about this.
Working with Experts to Get More Money for Your House
These are all definitely worthwhile upgrades to help you get more money for your house in Diamond Bar. There are, however, other things you can do to increase your home’s value, projects that also promise a good ROI. And keep in mind different upgrades work better in different local markets. That’s why it’s so important to work closely with a local Diamond Bar agent. So when you’re ready to sell and want to get more money for your house, contact us (909) 455-9496.